My Apps

If you like these apps, please consider supporting me to cover the cost of the server.

Thank you!


Chester Timetable convert to Calendar (ics) file

* Not publicly accessible

This app loads staff timetables from the University of Chester and converts them to an ics file which can be imported into a Calendar.

Contact me directly for access » Email-icon


Pilot Data Explorer

Click/Tap icon to run »

This app allows you to interact with data from the pilot study conducted as part of my PhD research. You can select two job roles and compare their characteristic ratings.

Click/Tap icon to view on Github » Github-icon


632VGS Weight App

Click/Tap icon to run »

This app was created to assist glider pilots with weight and balance calculations for the aircraft at 632 VGS RAF Ternhill.

Click/Tap icon to view on Github » Github-icon

Open Research Calendar (Twitter)

Click/Tap icon to run »

The tool was created to serve the open research community in collating worldwide :earth_africa: open research events into one database. This translates onto a Google Calendar :calendar: which can be synced into a person’s own personal calendar (updating as new events get added). Read more here.

Click/Tap icon to view on Github » Github-icon